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Hoof Care Starts In The Gut
They can be seen everywhere, the most unbalanced hooves, long toes, underrun heels, high heels, flares, you name it. It is truly amazing that horses with neglected hooves can sometimes bring superior performances to the table, while I would not ...

Fall Laminitis
Your horse should be kicking up her heels in the cool, crisp autumn air but every year some are struck by laminitis. There are several distinct groups of horses at risk and they all have EMS/high insulin in common. A ...

Over-rugging is ‘a man-made welfare problem’
Owners have been warned of the serious consequences of over-rugging their horses. Dick Vet Equine highlighted the issue on Facebook after the practice saw an increasing number of horses being rugged unnecessarily this time of year. “People seem to be ...

Adjusting for Winter Nutrition
For some of us, winter has already arrived. For others, it’s just beginning in earnest. For all of us, the horse is facing some challenges. During the winter months, it is important to remember winter nutrition for horses. Whether you ...

Donkeys’ Unique Nutritional Needs
Just like in horses, forage needs to be the foundation of a donkey’s diet. However, their specific forage needs are a little different than those of your horse. To avoid getting in to trouble it’s important to understand these differences ...

Nutritional Support for Equine Allergies
Just this summer, I’ve noticed Lee Lee rubbing her neck and chest on her stall door when she comes up to eat. Itchy skin and rubbing to relieve it is a telltale sign of an allergy so I’ve been working to address ...

What if I suggested that Horse Overpopulation May not be the MAIN Problem Equines Face?
I’m a bit ashamed that it has taken too many years in rescue to see what should have been obvious to me way before tonight. It is something I’ve always known as “part” of the issue horses face, but I didn’t always ...

Equine Nutrition: Understanding Labels
Nowadays, marketing strategies can make any supplement or feed seem like the next miracle product. Going by all the claims out there, we should have a world full of healthy horses. Unfortunately, this isn’t so. Luckily, armed with some basic ...

Diet Changes for the Senior Horse
As horses age, they may need some special considerations and diet changes to help them maintain optimal health. At the time they erupt, a horse’s cheek teeth are approximately 4” in length (including the exposed/erupted part and the portion within ...

Reining horses hardly stand a chance
“A lot of reining horses eliminate themselves early on, even if they have the ability and the try, because they can’t hold up.“ – Timothy Bartlett, DVM, of Vincennes, Ind., has been actively involved in the sport as a president of ...