Category: Health
Fall Laminitis
Over-rugging is ‘a man-made welfare problem’

Owners have been warned of the serious consequences of over-rugging their horses. Dick Vet Equine highlighted the issue on Facebook after the practice saw an increasing number of horses being rugged unnecessarily this time of year. “People seem to be more and more keen on putting rugs on,” vet Tess […]
Adjusting for Winter Nutrition
Donkeys’ Unique Nutritional Needs

Just like in horses, forage needs to be the foundation of a donkey’s diet. However, their specific forage needs are a little different than those of your horse. To avoid getting in to trouble it’s important to understand these differences. Without careful management, donkeys are prone to obesity, metabolic issues, […]
Nutritional Support for Equine Allergies
Equine Nutrition: Understanding Labels

Nowadays, marketing strategies can make any supplement or feed seem like the next miracle product. Going by all the claims out there, we should have a world full of healthy horses. Unfortunately, this isn’t so. Luckily, armed with some basic information about equine nutrition, any horse guardian can sort out […]
Diet Changes for the Senior Horse

As horses age, they may need some special considerations and diet changes to help them maintain optimal health. At the time they erupt, a horse’s cheek teeth are approximately 4” in length (including the exposed/erupted part and the portion within the jaw). These teeth wear down over time, but will […]