Category: Health
Mustang Tales: Not the Tale I Wanted to Tell
It’s Time to Re-Think Early Weaning of Horses

Separating them too soon benefits no one. For the most part, the symbiotic relationship between the domestic horse and humankind works out well. The horse gets immunization from fatal diseases, readily available food and protection from predators. (One can also argue farrier care and deworming, but neither of those would […]
Magnesium: The Mineral Superhero

Very few people are aware of the enormous role magnesium plays in a horse’s body. After oxygen, water, and basic food, magnesium may be the most important element needed to maintain health. It is vitally important, yet hardly known. Magnesium is by far the most important mineral, regulating over 325 […]
Omega-3 Fatty Acid Sources
Tissue Mineral Analysis

Mineral analysis, a hairy tool for preventive health. When Gold Medalist and three-time National Dressage Competitor Shannon Peters showed her nine-year-old Grand-Prix horse Flor De Selva in 2009, she had no idea that Lyme disease and chronic weakening would soon force her to retire the Westphalian gelding. The fat deposits […]
Get Growing!

Planting A Medicinal Herb Garden For Your Horse. Before horses were domesticated, they roamed free and kept themselves healthy by grazing on a large variety of plants. They used their deeply-ingrained instincts to seek out the plants they needed to maintain their health. A wealth of herbal knowledge was acquired […]
The Bad Boy of the Mint Family

Watch out, especially in late summer, early fall!! Many of us who strive to provide as natural a lifestyle as possible for our horses, include herbs into the environment. The most universally included herb in a natural horse husbandry is mint. Known for its soothing effect for gastrointestinal complaints, it […]