In Our Prayers
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; her eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. |
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JimJuly 12, 2004 Jim crossed over Rainbow Bridge He was happy, and well loved in his last days and we hope that his faith in humans was restored. Rest in Peace Jim. |
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JackpotMarch 10th, 2012 Rambo crossed over Rainbow Bridge.Jackpot crossed over Rainbow Bridge. We found Jackpot as a very young kitten sitting dazed, but uninjured in the middle of the road, literally in the middle of nowhere – nothing but forest for miles.We lost Jackpot to an overwhelming systemic infection that came on very suddenly, the veterinarian said there was nothing to be done at that stage. Its not the same without you Jackpot! Rest in Peace! |
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TessaFeb 18, 2014 Tessa crossed over Rainbow Bridge.She had been a faithful guardian of the other rescues and part of the ranch family for 13 wonderful years and we miss her terribly! Rest in peace, dear Tessa! |
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Bitty KittyJune 17, 2015 Bitty Kitty crossed over Rainbow Bridge. In 2010, Bitty was a very sick, barely alive feral kitten. It took a lot of time and patience to gain her trust and help her heal, but she made it! We are very sad to announce that Bitty crossed over to Rainbow Bridge last night. She had been recovering from being hit by a car and was doing very well…or so we thought. She died during the night. There aren’t enough tears! We miss you so much Bitty! Rest in Peace, Bitty. |
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CodyAugust 13 2015 Cody crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Cody crossed Rainbow Bridge with everyone who loved him surrounding him, including his best buddy, Hawkeye. Rest in Peace Cody |
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AriSeptember 7 2015 Ari crossed over Rainbow Bridge. He was a wonderful boy and we are comforted by knowing that he spent his last years with his foster mom, Robin, surrounded by love and respect. Rest in Peace Ari. |
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RamboSeptember 10th, 2015 Rambo crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Rambo showed up as a tiny kitten, all alone. We suspect someone tossed him out near our barn as many people do thinking a farm is a good place to abandon cats. He was a faithful friend, keeping watch in the barn for rodents. He died of natural causes at the ripe old age of 15. We miss you Rambo! Rest in Peace. |
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PumpkinJuly 7th, 2017 Pumpkin crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Our sweet, sweet boy crossed over. Pumpkin was a dwarf mini, which means his legs became progressively twisted as the effects of dwarfism advanced. His joints became frozen in many places and it was undeniable that he was in significant pain. He was our “little buddy” and his absence has left a huge hole in our hearts. We miss you, Pumpkin! |
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SecretJuly 7th, 2017 Secret crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Secret has crossed over Rainbow Bridge after struggling with a progressive deterioration of his hind. We miss him greatly and take comfort in knowing that in his time here, he knew he was loved and lived out his days in peaceful and safe surroundings. Rest in peace at last, Secret! |
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ElmoOctober 23rd, 2017 Elmo crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Elmo has crossed over Rainbow Bridge after struggling with a progression of chronic laminitis that he came here with. He had been doing very well until this year when he gradually started to decline, then this month he reached a tipping point and could go on no farther. Rest in peace, sweet boy! |
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FozzyMarch 9, 2018 Fozzy crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Fozzy crossed over Rainbow Bridge where his blindness will no longer bother him and he can run free with perfect vision. He was loved by us all, but especially by his foster mom who gave him the best care any horse could wish for. Rest in Peace Fozzy! |
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JohnnyMarch 9, 2019 Johnny crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Johnny was a wonderful boy and his passing breaks our hearts. Rest in Peace Johnny! |
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HollyMay 16, 2019 Holly crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Holly was 31 when she crossed Rainbow Bridge and her body just finally wore out . She had returned to vigor during her time with us, but eventually her body wore out and time with us ran out. She was adored by all of us and we cannot express how much we miss her!! Rest in Peace dear sweet Holly! |
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ReubenMay 16, 2019 Reuben crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Reuben was somewhere in his 30’s when he crossed Rainbow Bridge. For many years he struggled with frequent colic episodes and later developed cancer. We did everything we could for him and he was comfortable, happy and love for many years with us. He was a total love-bug and we miss him terribly! Rest in Peace dear sweet Holly! |
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LovieMay 18, 2019 Lovie crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Lovie was helped to cross over Rainbow Bridge following a years long battle with recurring laminits. She already had significant damage to her hooves before we got her and her amazing foster mom did everything humanly possible to keep her comfortable for many years. But, eventually, her condition was no longer able to be n=managed and she was in great pain. She was a very special donkey. Rest in Peace sweet girl! |
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BuddyAugust 11, 2021 Buddy crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Buddy crossed over Rainbow Bridge following a severe colic. He was loved by us all, and a kind and gentle friend to all the other animals who lived here. Rest in Peace Buddy! |