Reuben’s Page

Reuben is a leopard Appaloosa gelding that was initially rescued by an individual who is a long time friend of Whisper Ranch staff. He is of uncertain age, but estimated to be 30-ish.

The history that was given about him was that he was abused (beaten) often by previous owners. Some of that was being hit in the head and as a result he has diminished vision in his left eye.

He has a number of missing teeth (age related) and damage to his GI tract that results in more than his share of colic episodes in addition to diminished absorption of nutrients.

Because of his missing and damaged teeth (he is a cribber), he is not as efficient eating hay as a horse needs to be, but he does manage to eat some without any adverse consequences.



Currently Reuben is doing very well on small feedings every 3-4 hours and 24/7 access to soft second cut hay. He is at a healthy weight and has not had a colic episode in 18 months!

He is pastured with Holly and the two mini donks, Dusty and Benji.







